AAF Lecture Series
AAF Lecture Series
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Who We Are


Founded in 2010 the Algerian-American Foundation for Culture, Education, Science and Technology (AAF-CEST) is a membership-driven, non-partisan, independent, non-profit organization with 501(c) tax-exempt, committed to building bridges between Algeria and the USA through collaborative projects and cultural exchange.

Our Mission


The AAF-CEST mission is to develop, strengthen, and sustain constructive exchange in the fields of education, culture, science and technology between the peoples of Algeria and the USA.

Goals and Objectives



  • Build and strengthen the American-Algerian relationship,
  • Pave the way for developing a strong and lasting partnership between the Algerian and American peoples,
  • Promote scientific projects,
  • Foster conferences and workshops on topics of mutual American-Algerian interest,
  • Disseminate relevant information about diverse Algerian-American initiatives and activities,
  • Facilitate exchange programs in the four domains of interest (Culture, Education, Science and Technology) between Algeria and the USA.

AAF Workshop 2024

Click on the flyer below for more details

AAF Lecture Series

Click on the flyer below for more details


Your Help Is Essential!

We call on all friends of Algeria to share our vision and help support our mission and programs with their time, ideas, and financial contributions.

Please use the secure payment button below to make a tax-deductible donation to AAF.



You can also support AAF-CEST when shopping on Amazon. Below the link to Amazon Smile Donates.



Our Amazing Community


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Become an AAF C.E.S.T Member Now!

AAF-CEST calls the Algerian citizens and Friends of Algeria to join and support its efforts.
Besides its ongoing initiatives, AAF-CEST will be working with other organizations in the US and Algeria,
which are dedicated to improving the historical relationship between the two peoples.
A major and vital component of its objectives is to coordinate and disseminate relevant information about diverse Algerian-American initiatives and activities.
Your donations are essential to the continuation of AAF Mission.



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