Hakima Amri
Dr. HakimaAmri is a Professor of Biochemistry and Physiology at Georgetown University in the Department of Biochemistry and Cellular and Molecular Biology with over 25 years of experience in research and graduate education.
She completed her undergraduate education in Developmental Biology at the University of Constantine, Algeria and her graduate studies at Pierre and Marie Curie-Sorbonne University, in Paris, France. There, she earned a Master’s of Science degree in Reproductive Biology and a Ph.D. in Steroid Biochemistry. She then moved to the United States, where she joined the Georgetown University Faculty.
Dr. Amri’s research focus is on understanding the action mechanism of disease processes using comprehensive systems biology approaches. She investigates cancer biomarkers and bio-signature identification using big data. Her project is enhanced by the novel analytical approach she recently developed in collaboration with her colleagues. She is using this novel method to translate cancer omics, from genomics, proteomics, and metabolomics high throughput data, into molecular signatures that are then presented in a multidimensional and dynamic model best suited for precision medicine. Dr. Amri is currently working on developing Phylomics® (http://phylomics.com) into a cost effective and noninvasive diagnostic tool. Her work is supported by a recently granted patent by the United States Patents Office.
As the co-founder of the Integrative Medicine educational initiative at Georgetown University School of Medicine, Dr. Amri has been the head of the Integrative Medicine graduate program since its launch in 2003 and currently serves as the Director of the Master of Science Program. Dr. Amri’s research is focused on bridging evidence-based Integrative Medicine and biomedical research. She has investigated the effects and molecular mechanisms of herbal products on prostate and breast cancer and the mechanisms underlying the effects of acupuncture in reducing stress.
In her capacity as an educator, she has taught hundreds of students in classroom and laboratory settings at the undergraduate, graduate, doctoral, and post-doctoral levels. She has received research and educational funding from both government and private sectors. Her scholarly activities are represented by her published work in peer-reviewed journals, presentations at national and international conferences, and authorship of several book chapters, multiple reviews, as well as books on Molecular Medicine and Avicenna’s Medicine.